Dental Bridges, Crowns, Dentures | College Park,MD | Hyattsville, MD - Expert smiles MD

Dental Bridges


Dental bridges span the gaps left by missing or extracted teeth to fully restore your smile. Dr. Armin Salimi is pleased to provide custom-made dental bridges that will fit snugly between your teeth and provide durable, long-lasting support. Expert Smiles to schedule an appointment with our dentist if you believe you may benefit from a dental bridge in College Park, Maryland.College Park,MD & Hyattsville 

If you are missing one tooth or multiple teeth in a row, we may recommend a dental bridge to restore your smile. A bridge is a fixed dental restoration, meaning it is non-removable. The dental bridge is anchored in place through the use of two dental crowns, which are custom made to fit your smile and are placed on the teeth or dental implants next to the space left by the missing tooth. These crowns hold the artificial tooth in place to restore your smile, ensuring that your restoration will not easily shift or come loose. It typically requires only two visits to our practice to complete the dental bridge. Dental bridges are designed to last for many years and to restore the function, beauty, and health of your smile.College Park,MD & Hyattsville

Our dentist may recommend a dental bridge to improve your smile by:

 โ€ข Restoring your ability to speak, eat, and chew as normal

โ€ข Alleviating excess stress on the bite

โ€ข Improving the shape and volume of your face

โ€ข Replacing an unwanted removable partial denture College Park,MD & Hyattsville

โ€ข Preventing the remaining natural teeth from moving out of position

โ€ข Enhancing the appearance of your smile

We will help you determine whether a custom dental bridge is the right choice for restoring your smile after tooth loss. For more information, please call or visit us today.

See what patients say about Expert Smiles

Dr. Armin Salimi, DDS
7307 Baltimore Ave # 114,
College Park, MD 20740

Call Us : 443-345-8105

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  • 24/ 7 Emergency Calls
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  • Affordable Dentistry
  • Highest Dental Care
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  • Personalized Dental Care
  • Outstanding Facility
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  • Dental Special Offers
  • Weekend Emergencies
  • Accept All PPO Insurances
  • Same-Day Appointments
  • 443-345-8105
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